Kalma Bukid Community Update

A lot has happened since the last update we posted on the continuing progress of The Kalma Bukid Community.
Since that time we have completed several homes, which have been turned over to happy clients, are in the late stages of finishing 2 other houses and just recently broke ground on another home. We have also revised our concept a little for Phase 3, which will now have a reduced density and more yard space for each home owner. We will maintain a common area with a pool and small fitness center, but will be putting off the medical clinic and lounge until phase 4. With all these new things happening, maybe now would be a good time to contact us and get together for a site visit. We would love to have you as a happy meber of this spectacular community.
Finished Homes at the Kalma Bukid Community
Margriet and Willem’s Home
This house was a similar model to David and Monica’s home, with a few revisions giving more floor area and a backyard pool. Rather than have 2 bedrooms upstairs, one wall was removed to give more open space in the living/dining room. As an added features, the clients also had us build a pool in the backyard as well as a hybrid solar system.
Randal and Paula’s Home
Randal and Paula moved in last year and are in love with their 2 bedroom bungalow with a spectacular view of the ocean. The location of the Kalma Bukid community also gives them the perfect lifestyle opportunity for their retirement years with many pleasant and relaxing moments, and the added benefit of being able to walk out their front door and partake in one of their favorite activities, a mountain run.
Homes Under Construction in The Kalma Bukid Community
Craig and Juvy
We started this home as a spec build, but about months into it, Craig and Juvy came along and saw their dream home in the making. They did want to make some revisions from the initial design, which we gladly accommodated. Though construction had been delayed due to supply chain issues and lock-downs, we are on track to turn this house over in the next month or two.
Maria and David
This couple purchased a lot last year and pulled the trigger on construction of their nice little getaway home earlier this year. We are about 6 months into construction now and hope to be finished within the next month or two. One of the spectacular features of this custom designed home is a full roof deck patio, affording a 360 degree panoramic view of the ocean, valleys and mountains
Peter and Nelgen
Peter and his lovely wife were interested in a custom house and lot in the Kalma Bukid community, however the only lots available were in Phase 3, which did not allow for much flexibility in design or in lot size. Their interest spurred us to redesign phase 3 to provide less home density, bigger lots and more flexibility in design. After a 2 month design process , we were able to get started on construction about a month ago, and hope to have them moved in by mid 2021.
Phase 3 Redesign
Phase 3 will now offer more land, more flexibility in custom design, but also a common area with pool and fitness center. The medical clinic will be incorporated into phase 4. which will be coming in 2021 and 2022.
For more information on pricing etc, please visit this listing https://philippine-islandproperties.com/property/overlooking-lots-for-sale-or-lease/